Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow... Snow... Snow... and clients...

This week I headed off to the Toronto, ON Canada area for a client site visit.  It was a nice 5 hr drive up on Monday morning and I get to drive back home Friday afternoon.

The "snowstorm of 2011" hit me last night, but instead of getting 20" of snow, we got a little bit.  The hardest part in the morning was getting my car out of the snow bank that had drifted around the car during the night.  Mostly due to the wind, it was not too terrible getting the snow off my car.  I made it to the client site by 8:15 am and found that I was one of 4 people who actually made it.  After a bit, a few more showed up; however by 1:00 pm they were telling us that they were going to close the office at 3 and send us home.  (Home here would be hotel for me, but I got back just fine.) 

The snow continues to fall and I think I'll head off to dinner in the hotel tonight.  (Heck, I got a pretty good parking spot and want to stay there and not loose it.)  Funny how different people deal with the snow in their part of the world.  Maybe tomorrow more people will show up for training for me to work with...

To Be Continued...

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