I spent last weekend in Lansing, MI at a special event called a "SWARM" that was put on by some of my Cricut Circle Sisters. (Yes, I'm a member of the Cricut Circle from Provo Craft and love it!) (And Oh, a SWARM is a fancy name for a Crop weekend.)
We had a chance to decorate our doors to our rooms and there was a door decorating contest. What was fun was that when we got into the conference room, most of us moved our tables to the edge of the room so we were near the outlets to plug our Cricut machines in so we could work on our scrapbooks. The fun was also enhanced by each person had a "calling card" that was a 3x3 square with something on it that represented yourself. You put your personal information on the back and then you used these calling cards as your entry into the drawings that were done. Super easy, actually!!
Here is the picture of our door:
My roomate was Tricia Noble and she is also a Disney fan. She loves cats and so we thought that this was a great door for the both of us!
Got home late Sunday from the weekend of fun and now off to work in TX for the week.
Thats not too far from me, sure wish I went, sounds like you had a good time.