Monday, January 24, 2011

Taking Part in a Sports Mania Blog Hop

I am participating in a Sports Mania Blog Hop with some people from the Cricut Boards.  I'm excited to post my "sports themed" pages here to show you what I've done.  I look forward to hearing your comments.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Interesting week in Charlotte, NC

So Monday Morning a co-worker and I left the Cleveland Airport to fly to Charlotte to visit a client for the week.  They had some snow when we arrived and by "some" I mean they had about 5 inches and a lot of things were closed in the area.  This is primarily due to the fact that they don't get snow often and the fact that they do not have any snow equipment or salt to deal with that much snow at a single time.

We were ok until Monday night when it changed to ice.  By Tuesday morning, the rental car looked like the picture below.  We had almost 2 inches of snow covering the entire car.  It took almost 30 minutes to get the car warm inside so that we could move.  Luckily a hotel employee had an ice scraper that he let us borrow to get through the ice.  (Of course, there was no ice scraper in the rental car.)

Thought it was a fun picture and worth sharing.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Nephew's First Communion

Last May, my nephew, Ian McDonald made his First Holy Communion.  Every year I make a calendar for my sister and this was the page we used for May.  However, since it was such a cool picture, we actually did some page prints to share with the family.  They are 12x12 and it was done using my CM software -- SBC 3.0+.

2010 What a Year

I was amazed by the changes in myself from Jan 2010 to Dec 2010 with Weight Watchers.

My 2011 Calendar Pages...

Here are some of the 2011 pages I did using my CM Storybook Creator 3.0+ software.  Enjoy!

My First Entry...

So, I want to participate more in some of the scrapbook community stuff I see on the Cricut Community, so I decided to create a blog.  I will be posting some photos of my work as well as thoughts as I try some new things so I can share some of my ideas with others. I hope you enjoy!
